What’s new in Breeze Kiosk 1.6?
- New signing and drawing screen
- Guests choose the frame for their own print in the drawing/signing screen
- Emojis/stickers/virtual props
- Fix for reliability issue playing videos caused by recent Windows updates.
New signing and drawing screen
Guests love to sign, write messages and decorate their own prints. At a busy event, their enthusiasm for this can lead to long lines waiting to use the booth. Moving this feature to Kiosk has several advantages
- Keep the line moving and reduce queuing at the booth
- Guests can make, print and share different versions of each photo/print
- Original is still available to view, reprint and share
Guests choose their own print frame
Offer your guests a choice of print borders or overlays on the signing/drawing screen.
Choosing a frame with Breeze Kiosk 1.6
Add emojis/stickers/virtual props
We have included these emoji/basic props to start you off:
Icons supplied by EmojiOne
You can also create or source your own custom prop sets. All you need is jpg or png images on a transparent background. Choose whether to display them on a white or gray background.

Guests can rotate, expand and shrink the props.

Kiosk keeps both the original image and decorated versions

The original image is still available to view, reprint and share. Guests can make as many decorated versions of it as they wish.
Note: Kiosk lets you limit the number of prints made from each original image as well as the total number of prints at the event. So there’s no need to worry about guests running off endless prints.
Try Kiosk 1.6 for yourself
Breeze Kiosk 1.6 is a free upgrade for all registered users who purchased Kiosk after 12th November 2018. Customers with older licenses need to buy an upgrade license to use this release.
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Breeze Systems 2019
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