New tutorial – Using Touch Screen Actions to customize Breeze screens

Breeze apps offer unparalled creative control over what guests see and experience at your booth. The power and flexibility of touch screen actions are key to this experience.

When Breeze Booth apps are powered by touch screens, touch screen actions control what happens when a guest touches the screen.

I have added a new tutorial to the website to help DSLR Remote Pro, Multi-Camera, Webcam Photobooth & Flipbook Photobooth users use these actions to take control of the guest interface. Find Customizing Breeze Screens here


Using Hub to copy Breeze Booth for iPad images to a PC

Breeze Hub automatically copies images from the iPad to a Windows PC during events.

The latest  website tutorial explains how to set this up, as well as how to automate uploading images to Dropbox while the event is running.

Find Automatic upload of Breeze Booth images to the cloud or a Windows device during events here

© Breeze Systems 2022

DSLR Remote Pro 3.16.1 & Hub

12 January 2022

Breeze DSLR Remote Pro 3.16.1 & Hub were released today, fixing an issue adding attachments to emails as file attachments.

DSLR Remote Pro 3.16.1 also fixes an issue with UIDs not being updated in stills photo booth mode when the keyboard shortcut F5 is used to start the shooting sequence.

We recommend everyone using Hub 1.2.6 and DSLR Remote Pro 3.16 upgrades to these releases.

DSLR Remote Pro is also known as Breeze Booth (DSLR+ Windows)

Do I need to pay to upgrade to DSLR Remote Pro 3.16.1?

Upgrade to DSLR Remote Pro 3.16.1

Download DSLR Remote Pro    Buy DSLR Remote Pro

Is there a charge for upgrading to Hub

Hub is free to all Breeze customers. There is no charge to upgrade to Hub

Download Hub with Breeze Booth companion Apps here

© Breeze Systems 2022