Breeze apps offer unparalled creative control over what guests see and experience at your booth and sharing kiosks.
I’ve just added a new tutorial to the website to help DSLR Remote Pro, Kiosk and Webcam Photobooth users change the colors of the keyboard screens used for email and text based sharing.
We have added a bunch of great new features in the latest release of Kiosk. Guests can collect and share several images using the new clipboard. You are loving Touch free operation in DSLR Remote Pro and Booth (iPad + iPhone), so we have added touch free sharing to Kiosk.
There’s more – Kiosk 2.0 introduces a QR code based filter you can use so guests see only their own images.
Kiosk 2.0 also adds a new startup screen displayed while Kiosk loads the first images, an improved algorithm for caching thumbnails, support for Gmail’s new authentication requirements, and a few fixes.
Select and share several images
Guests can select several photos, GIFs or videos and share them in a single email with the new Kiosk clipboard
You can choose the look and position of the clipboard, and set a limit to the number of images guests can share.
Kiosk display with clipboard below main image (Breeze Kiosk 2.0)
Emailing photo by scanning the QR code used to power a contactless booth (Breeze Kiosk 2.0)
Guests can also scan to share all the clipboard images in a single email:
Scanning a QR code to share the clipboard images in a single email (Breeze Kiosk 2.0)
Guests see just their own images
At large events and those where GDPR or privacy is a concern, guests scan their unique QR code and display just their own images at the kiosk. Learn more about automatic image filtering.
Image filtering using a unique identifier ssuch as email address (Breeze Kiosk 2.0)
Note: When filtering images include email address* or another unique identifer in both QR code and DSLR Remote Pro or Booth (iPad + iPhone) image filenames.
New startup screen
startup.jpg is a new screen displayed while images are being loaded into Kiosk each time it starts.
Usually only the operator sees this screen. To replace it with your own version add a jpg called startup.jpg to the Kiosk screen images folder. Like other screens startup.jpg should be the same size in pixels as the screen on the device.
Gmail authentication
Google changed the requirements for authenticating Gmail emails this year.
To send Gmail emails from a PC running Kiosk you will need to ‘authenticate’ ie approve third party applications which send emails from their gmail accounts. Go to the Kiosk 2.0 Email Server Settings screen and enter gmail in the Host field. You can find step by step instructions for DSLR Remote Pro here. Authentication for Kiosk works in the same way.
Try Kiosk 2.0 for yourself
Breeze Kiosk 2.0 is a free upgrade for all registered users who purchased Kiosk after 5th June 2019. Customers with older licenses need to buy an upgrade license to use this release.
Thanks to Steve Bliesner & Photo Booth Guys Australia for letting us share this video of their latest activation for Amazon.
Steve writes
Working in harmony to create high end activations that go out for, not $100-200 an hour.. but $1000 – $ 2000 an hour.
I used every trick in the Breeze book to pull this one off.
Breeze for iPad was running a very custom survey to collect data on guests, to determine what Drag Queen they would be and what personalised text they wanted on their GIF and Print. Additionally, guests entered their email address (so they didn’t have to use a sharing station later).
That data was sent via Breeze Hub, to Breeze Kiosk, where a QR code had been generated, and was then scanned in via a barcode reader, by our staff, in to Breeze Webcam.
Webcam had a customised interface that was live streamed to two large screens… (that masked any sensitive information and removed any interface control elements).
With one scan, that QR code kicked off the session, auto chose the chosen Drag Queen, personalised their print and GIF and emailed the image to the guest.
There is only one company that makes software that allows people like you and me to do stuff like this.
Meet Steve at the Breeze stand (#1113) at Photo Booth Expo next week.
Guests choose the frame for their own print in the drawing/signing screen
Emojis/stickers/virtual props
Fix for reliability issue playing videos caused by recent Windows updates.
New signing and drawing screen
Guests love to sign, write messages and decorate their own prints. At a busy event, their enthusiasm for this can lead to long lines waiting to use the booth. Moving this feature to Kiosk has several advantages
Keep the line moving and reduce queuing at the booth
Guests can make, print and share different versions of each photo/print
Original is still available to view, reprint and share
You can also create or source your own custom prop sets. All you need is jpg or png images on a transparent background. Choose whether to display them on a white or gray background.
This custom set of virtual props are png images with transparent backgrounds.White props show up well against a gray background (Breeze Kiosk 1.6)
Guests can rotate, expand and shrink the props.
Rotating a virtual prop
Kiosk keeps both the original image and decorated versions
Guests can browse, print and share both the original and decorated versions of each image
The original image is still available to view, reprint and share. Guests can make as many decorated versions of it as they wish.
Note: Kiosk lets you limit the number of prints made from each original image as well as the total number of prints at the event. So there’s no need to worry about guests running off endless prints.
Try Kiosk 1.6 for yourself
Breeze Kiosk 1.6 is a free upgrade for all registered users who purchased Kiosk after 12th November 2018. Customers with older licenses need to buy an upgrade license to use this release.
You can also use Kiosk with still (JPEG) and animated (GIF, MP4 or MOV) images captured by third party software.
What’s new in Kiosk 1.5.1?
Social sharing counters
Collect stats on emails, texts and tweets sent from each Kiosk as well as the number of prints.
Breeze Kiosk 1.5.1 includes new counters for the number of emails, texts, tweets and prints from the kiosk at an event
Flexible printing
Print up to 3 different print sizes
Control several printers
Print up to 3 different sizes of print on the same or different printers with Breeze Kiosk 1.5.1
Choose up to 3 different printer settings. In the screenshot above the default printer (1) is a Mitsubishi CP70D printing 4″ x 6″ layouts. Prints prefixed square (2) are printed square on the same CP70D printer. Single 2″x 6″ strips are displayed in Kiosk as single strips, but printed (3) as double strips on 4″x6″media.
This feature can also be used to print to 3 different printers.
Slideshow plays full video before advancing
New option to play videos at least once when running a slideshow i.e. don’t advance the slideshow until the video has played from start to finish at least once.
Performance improvements
Performance improvements for swiping images when running on Microsoft Surface Go
Fixed glitch with the selected thumbnail changing when new images are added with the “Display newest images first” option selected
Fixed issue which caused the wrong photo to being printed if a new photo was added while the print confirmation screen was displayed
Fixed issue setting the initial values of check boxes in keyboards
This release is a free upgrade for all registered users who bought a Kiosk license on or after 30th May, 2018.
Customers with older Kiosk licenses need to buy an upgrade to use this release.
Guests often want to share images to several email addresses. The default versions of both DSLR Remote Pro and Breeze Kiosk send emails to one address at a time. DSLR Remote Pro 3.12 and Breeze Kiosk 1.5introduce the ability to cc additional addresses when sending emails.
Sending images to multiple addresses from DSLR Remote Pro
Example 1: Adding a CC line to the email keyboard
We need to add a second prompt to the email keyboard. We do this by editing the default email_keyboard.xml file. I am going to walk you through this step by step. It doesn’t matter if you have never seen xml before.
First open the touchscreen editor, click on Test keyboard… and select Email keyboard.
Accessing the email keyboard in DSLR Remote Pro 3.12
Email keyboard created by setup wizard in DSLR Remote Pro 3.12
Then left click the mouse while holding down both Shift and Ctrl keys. This lets you save the XML file and the keyboard images.
First delete the four keyboard image files from the PhotoBoothImages folder(otherwise we won’t see any any changes we make to the text prompts).
PhotoBoothImages folder showing email_keyboard.xml and keyboard images (DSLR Remote PRo 3.12)
Open the email_keyboard.xml file in a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad (which comes free with Windows 10)
Replace the highlighted text with this and save the changes:
<prompt1 email_address=”1″ mandatory=”1″>Please enter your email address:</prompt1>
<prompt2 email_address=”1″>CC:</prompt2>
Note: Here the second prompt will appear below the first prompt. This is achieved by using the same x coordinate, and different y coordinates. The CC email address is optional and so prompt2 does not need the ‘mandatory’ attribute.
xml changed to share to two email addresses
Two is not enough?
There is usually room on a booth or kiosk screen to add the second line above. You may find it more difficult to find space to enter three or more addresses. The screen size, orientation ( there is usually more empty space in portrait oriented mirror booths than landscape photo booths and kiosks) and the numberof characters allowed for email addresses all make a difference.
These examples in this post have been created for a screen 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. If your screen is different you may need to adjust the values you use. It is also possible (but more complicated) to change the size and position of the keyboard buttons on your screen. More details
Example 2 has space for 3 email addresses to be entered below each other. Example 3 includes 4 email addresses in 2 rows. Both are created by editing the email_keyboard.xml in the same way as before. Each time you edit the xml, use DSLR Remote Pro’s test keyboard to check whether your changes work as you expect.
Example 2: Adding two CC lines to the email keyboard
Here a third prompt has been added below the others. To fit this in above the keyboard, the y coordinates of all 3 fields have been adjusted and the size of the text reduced (DSLR Remote Pro 3.12)
Example 3: Four email addresses on the email keyboard
In this example a single email is sent to four different addresses:
For more detail and other ways you can customize the touch screen keyboards in DSLR Remote Pro see the help files
Sending images to multiple addresses from Breeze Kiosk
Use the same technique with Breeze Kiosk. Start with the default email_keyboard.xml file by (1) selecting Settings. (2) Check that sending emails is enabled, and (3) click on Test keyboard…
Accessing the email keyboard in Breeze Kiosk 1.5
Then left click the mouse while holding down both Shift and Ctrl keys. This lets you save the XML file and the keyboard images. Delete the keyboard images and edit the xml in the same way as for DSLR Remote Pro.
For more detail and other ways you can customize the Breeze Kiosk touch screen keyboards see the touchscreen keyboard section of the help files
This post has walked you through adding cc email addresses to your DSLR Remote Pro screens, and outlined how to make similar changes to Breeze Kiosk.
Each Breeze Kiosk license costs just US $150 for a lifetime license & one year’s free upgrades. For this great price you can run one kiosk and have a second backup/office copy of the program.
Breeze Kiosk 1.5 is a free upgrade for all registered users who purchased a license on or after 28th November 2017. Customers with an older Breeze Kiosk license can buy an upgrade license for just US $75 to use this release.
Prices quoted are correct at 28th November 2018, and are valid for online sales from our website. They exclude any tax due.
How to get your hands on it
Download Breeze Kiosk and try it for yourself for up to 14 days before buying a license.
The following notes are intended as a quick reference to some of the details in the video.
Some of the Breeze DSLR Remote Pro tokens used in this tutorial
Event tokens are special tokens which can be shared between different Breeze programs running on the same PC. They include the event name {eventName} , and several print counters.
Note: Tokens are case sensitive.
Print layouts
Tokens can be used to print information like today’s date less 8 hours {dateLess8h}) without editing the print layout each time it is used.
Why ‘date less 8 hours’? Use when events run past midnight, but you don’t want the images created after midnight to be stored under a different date. If your booths are always fast asleep before midnight you can use %d or %L token instead
{survey1_text1} stores the text a guest enters in response to the first question on the first survey screen
Information screens containing detailed information such as a Privacy Statement ot Terms and Conditions can also be added in DSLR Remote Pro 3.11.1 and later releases.
Tokens for check box surveys
Example of a checkbox survey used to obtained consent to specific uses of images taken in a booth. Breeze DSLR Remote Pro 3.11.1
In this example {survey1_chkbox1} will contain the value 1 if the first box (live feed) is checked, or 0 if it is not checked.
{survey1_chkbox2} will contain the value 1 if the second box (use for advertising) is checked, or 0 if it is not checked.
Check box surveys can also have multiple questions over several screens.
Friendly names for folders and images based on check box surveys
Example of separating images into two folders – one for images where guests have agreed that they are shared in a live feed, the other for images where guests have declined this.
Tokens can be included in the pathname for the follder where images are stored during an event. In this example images are separated into two download folders based on the guest’s answer to the live feed question in the survey. (DSLR Remote Pro 3.11.1)
DSLR Remote Pro creates the folders and stores images in appropriate folders as they are created
Print counters : DSLR Remote Pro 3.11 introduces tokens for accessing the print counters : {printQuotaUsed},{printCounterEvent} and {printCounterLocal}. Print counters can be used to automate a photo booth with a fixed print quota e.g. by loading a “share only” profile when the print quota has been used.. They can also be displayed in print captions.
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