Breeze Blend Modes can be used creatively to achieve many different effects.
Booth (iPad+iPhone) includes normal, lighten, darken, overlay, screen, hard light, soft light, multiply, difference, exclusion, color dodge, color burn, hue, saturation, color and luminosity blend modes.

Original [left] and Lighten blend overlay applied [right]
Depending on the effect you want to achieve, you can use two methods to apply these blends
- Overlay blend mode – blend the overlay with the print or GIF layout
- Photo blend mode – blend individual photos with the print layout behind the photo.
Overlay blend modes
Here print , slideshow GIF or burst GIF overlay(s) are blended with the print or GIF layout

Original [left] and Darken blend overlay applied [right]
To use print overlay blends
- Open your event in the Event Editor
- Open the Print Layout Editor from the Photos tab
- Import your overlay (overlay.png) into the Print Layout Editor
- Select the overlay blend mode in the Photos tab
- Save your changes
To use slideshow GIF overlay blends
- Place your overlay (slideshow_gif_overlay.png or slideshow_gif_overlay_1.png, slideshow_gif_overlay_2.png etc) into the Screens folder
- Open your event in the Event Editor
- Select the overlay blend mode in the Slideshow GIFs tab
- Save your changes
To use Burst GIF overlay blends
- Place your overlay (gif_overlay.png or gif_overlay_1.png, gif_overlay_2.png etc.) into the Screens folder
- Open your event in the Event Editor
- Select the overlay blend mode in the Burst GIFs tab
- Save your changes
Photo blend modes (prints only)
Photo blends can be used for more complex effects.
Use photo blends to
- apply different blend modes to each image on a print
- layer the effects of different blends
- blend two or more photos together
- combine blends with other print compositing effects

Overlay and logos can also be placed over blended photos.
Individual photo blends are applied to everything behind that photo – including parts of any other photos, logos and background it overlaps.
To use photo overlay blends
- Open your event in the Event Editor
- Open the Print Layout Editor from the Photos tab
- Select an image you want to blend, and right click anywhere on this image
- Choose Edit photo position and effects…
- Select the blend mode from the drop down list
- Save your changes

Combining blend modes with AI background removal
Blend modes often work best when used with AI background removal so that they only apply to people in the photo and not the background.

Choosing a blend mode
Booth (iPad+iPhone) includes normal, lighten, darken, overlay, screen, hard light, soft light, multiply, difference, exclusion, color dodge, color burn, hue, saturation, color and luminosity blend modes.
Blend modes can be used to achieve many different effects, and detailed descriptions of each are beyond the scope of this post.
This wikipedia article is a useful source of information: Online videos about Photoshop blend modes may also be helpful.
Note: When experimenting with blend modes the free version’s 10 sessions/day limit before adding a watermark may prove frustrating. Please email me ( if you would like a short term Breeze Booth for iPad license to try Breeze blend modes.
Sue Breeze
Blended images courtesy of Steve Bliesner.
© Breeze Systems 2023
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