Tag Archives: Pop Art

Mirror and Pop Art filters in DSLR Remote Pro

Pop Art and mirror effects are a doddle in DSLR Remote Pro. Set up  your booth as usual, copy PhotoboothcreativeFilter.dll into your PhotoboothImages folder, then select the filter you want to use. That’s it!

DSLR Remote Pro 3.13 ships with ten creative filters and six Instagram style filters as standard. This post explains how to use mirror, Pop Art and other filters in still photos, slideshow and boomerang (burst) GIFs.

This post was updated on 2 September 2021 to add a link to the profile tutorial which explains how to build a menu. Use menus to offer guests a choice of filters.

Set up a basic booth

I ran the Photo Booth Setup wizard to create a working booth, and shared slideshow GIFs instead of the print layout.

Copy PhotoboothcreativeFilter.dll into your PhotoboothImages folder

Copy PhotoboothcreativeFilter.dll from your installation folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\BreezeSys\DSLR Remote Pro) into your PhotoboothImages folder

Copying PhotoboothcreativeFilter.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\BreezeSys\DSLR Remote Pro


Just paste PhotoboothcreativeFilter.dll into your PhotoboothImages folder

Connect your camera and choose a filter

Start the booth and DSLR Remote Pro will display the default filter (color negative).

Color negative filter (Breeze DSLR Remote Pro 3.13)

Type Ctrl+Shift+C to display the setup page and choose one of the mirror filters:

Drop down list of creative filters. DSLR Remote Pro 3.13 introduces mirroring and an ‘off’ setting.


Selecting one of the creative filters in DSLR Remote Pro

You are away! Here are a few examples of mirroring, Pop Art and Posterized effects:

Left/right mirroring

Left/right mirroring GIF in DSLR Remote Pro (new in Breeze DSLR Remote Pro 3.13)

Top/bottom mirroring

Square images on a square print with top/bottom mirroring (new in Breeze DSLR Remote Pro 3.13)

Two by two mosaic

Create multiple reflections with the two by two mosaic filter (DSLR Remote Pro 3.13)

Pop Art

Breeze gives total control over Pop Art effect colors. This print layout fills a square 6 x 6 print with 4 square images


Pop art effect slideshow GIF (Breeze DSLR Remote Pro 3.13)


Posterize effect in slideshow GIF (Breeze DSLR Remote Pro)

Switch between filters or turn them off

Type Ctrl+Shift+C on the Ready screen to switch to a different filter or turn them off completely.

Advanced users can offer guests a menu of filters using profiles. This is beyond the scope of this post.

Boomerang (aka burst) GIFs

Set up filters for boomerang GIFs in exactly the same way as for still photos/slideshow GIFs. Guests see the effect of each filter as they pose, not just on their prints and GIFs:

Creative filters work with both photos and boomerang GIFs

Save the current filter for future use

The current filter is automatically saved* for the Photobooth Images folder you are using. When you next load this Photobooth Images folder into DSLR Remote Pro, it will automatically run the same filter.

*Filter settings are saved in the program registry for each Photobooth Images folder.

Where the outputs are stored

Screenshot of subfolders containing outputs from the booth

DSLR Remote Pro gives you a lot of control over where your images are stored. This can be really useful when you want to use a watch folder to share, display or upload images from the booth.   This post explains where DSLR Remote Pro usually places different types of images.

Mirroring filters in portrait

If you shoot in portrait the top/bottom and left/right filters are swapped. The two by two mosaic works but ‘swap top halves’ is not designed for portrait orientation.

Want to know more?

For more details see the DSLR Remote Pro help files.

Add “Instagram style” and custom filters to Webcam Photobooth

Use mirrors and other filters in Breeze Booth (for iPads and iPhones)

Try DSLR Remote Pro 3.13 for yourself

DSLR Remote Pro 3.13 is a free upgrade for all registered users who purchased DSLR Remote Pro after 14th April 2018. Customers with older licenses need to buy an upgrade license to use this release.

Download DSLR Remote Pro Buy DSLR Remote Pro

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Do share the post with others who may find it useful.

Breeze Systems 2019