These notes are intended as a quick guide to the latest release for existing Booth (iPad+iPhone) users.
For more detailed explanations please see the online manual
What’s in this release?
Breeze Booth (iPad+iPhone) 3.4
- extends Photographer Mode introduced in v3.3
- adds time limited photo booth sessions
- adds a privacy option to encrypt guest email addresses and cell phone numbers.
- adds actions to delete unwanted photos from the gallery
- adds support for the Canon EOS R6 Mark II, Canon EOS R8, Canon EOS R50 and Canon EOS R100
- includes EXIF data when saving individual photos from external cameras
- processed photos can be placed within a larger canvas
Photographer Mode/Tethered Shooting
Shoot tethered without waiting for photos to download. Switch between landscape and portrait on the fly. Two free Roaming events optimised for mirrorless and DSLR cameras.
Faster Shooting
Run tethered shooting as before. Chris has added a buffer so there is no need to wait for photos to download before taking the next shot.
Switching between landscape and portrait
Photos can be taken in either landscape or portrait orientation and a different print layout can be used for each. Simply rotate the camera to frame photos vertically or horizontally – you don’t need to adjust the app settings.
To enable the automatic selection of the print layout you need to set the event up correctly in the Event Editor:
In the Event Editor
- use one of the Roaming events below or create your own event with profiles for both landscape and portrait orientations
- print layouts in the landscape profile should be in landscape orientation
- print layouts in the portrait profile should be in portrait orientation

To adapt these events to meet your requirements download this zip file to your PC and import the events into the Event Editor.
In the App
- Connect your camera
- Enable the orientation lock on the iPad/iPhone.
- When photos are printed the app uses the orientation information stored in the EXIF shooting data to determine whether it was taken in landscape or portrait.
- Photos taken in landscape use the print layout from the landscape profile.
- Photos taken in portrait use the print layout from the portrait profile.
Time limited sessions
Switch on Time Limited sessions and set start and end times in the App Settings.

Custom screen names: before_session.jpg, before_session.gif,, before_session.png; after_session.jpg, after_session.gif,, after_session.png
Hidden exit buttons
The Event Creator will automatically include before_session.jpg and after_session.jpg screens in the Screen folder. Both screens have a hidden exit in the top right corner of the screen.
When adapting existing Breeze Booth designs, add before_session.jpg and after_session.jpg screens to the Screens folder and give these exit actions. Exit actions are essential – without them you cannot exit the event outside booth opening hours. The exit action is called exitFromBeforeAfterSession.
Events running past midnight
End time can be before the start time for events running past midnight, eg start time 21:00 and end time 01:00. (This only works when end time is before 8:00.)
Optional Booth opening message
Text including opening and closing times can be added to the before_session.jpg screen using the Msg field*
Messages can be made up of more than one line of text by adding \n to start a new line. The following tokens can be used:
{startTime} – this is replaced with the start time e.g. 19:00
{endTime} – this is replaced with the end time e.g. 22:30
{timeToStart} – this is replaced with the time until the photo booth opens e.g. 2:34:52
*before_session.jpg and after_session.jpg screens built by the Event Creator include text. If you add your own message, you also need to replace before_session.jpg and after_session.jpg in the Event Editor.
Touch screen actions
Remember to include a hidden exit touchscreen action so that you can exit the event outside opening hours.
You can also add actions to open early and add an extra 10 minutes.
These actions can all be password protected using the standard Exit Password.
Enhanced Privacy of personal data
For additional privacy select Encrypt email addresses and phone numbers for privacy. This will encrypt email addresses and phone numbers when they are stored in the XML email and text files and the journal files so that they can’t be read.
Encrypted addresses and phone numbers are decrypted when sending the email or text, but are always encrypted when saved to file.
There is no option to display the decrypted email address or phone number in the Breeze Booth for iPad app, Event Editor or Breeze Hub’s reporting tools.

Removing unwanted photos from the gallery
New touchscreen actions galleryDelete and galleryDeletePermanently allow unwanted or inappropriate images to be removed from the gallery sharing screen gallery_share.png. These options can be protected using a password if required. To do this set the exit password in the iPad’s App Settings screen.
- galleryDelete does not delete any files, instead it marks the image as deleted
- galleryDeletePermanently deletes the photo booth summary file and all associated photos, GIFs and MP4 files
© Breeze Systems 2023
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